Monday, December 10, 2012

Year End Review

The end of the year is a perfect time for evaluation and fine-tuning your direction and purpose. Writing your answers to the following questions will help you in this task.

1. Look back on 2012, what obstacles have you overcome this year? What have you accomplished?

2. Your life is like a play. Some actors play a leading role and share the stage with you for long periods of time. Others go more quickly. When we start relationships we often cannot see how long someone will be there for. Sometimes we are the ones who decide who will stay on stage and who will go. Sometimes we have no control over the script. This year some of your key relationships may have completed their lines and moved on. Who has come and gone this year? Do you feel complete with these endings? What, if anything, do you need to do to fill the space that the departed actors left on your stage?   

3.  Make a list of the 5 most significant relationships in your life. Briefly describe each relationships' current status and where you would like to see this connection go in 2013.

4. What did you learn this year? How are you different today than you were on Jan 1, 2012?

5. What, if anything, is missing from your life?

6. How do you want the answers to these questions to be different on Dec 31, 2013? What are the steps you will take to make this happen?


  1. What is the one small change you could make that would make your life better? That's the question I am meditating on this month.

  2. I love it. Thank you Pam. Baby steps. Great things often happen with baby steps.

  3. Our thought process produces action and our actions change ourselves and change the world in which we live... Right? The question then would be What did you think about yourself in Jan 1 2012 and what do you think today? What is different when you look at yourself in the mirror today, as opposed as a year ago? What do you say when you talk to yourself today different than what you used to, a year ago?

  4. Thank you Sandra. I am reminded of my Professor Cynthia Jackson who would tell me - when I complained at how much more I had to do to finish my dissertation - that I should look behind me for a moment to see how far I had already come. This is the perfect time of year to look behind us.

  5. @Elinor. Your professor sure does gave an amazing words for you to keep moving forward with your dissertation when you were still writing it. It is really a must to have a supervisor that would help you with your master dissertation topic rather than keep you from moving forward at all. Even a little word like that can really makes a different, right?
